Which Product is better for my business: Google Workspace or Microsoft 365?

Omowunmi Joseph
3 min readMay 29, 2021


Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite software, is a collection of office and productivity applications. It started as Google Apps in 2006 and was rebranded as G Suite in 2016. In October 2020, Google rebranded as Google Workspace again, adding new features to its collaboration platform and attempting to make the suite more accessible to business teams. There are three pricing plans available, each pricing per user per month and ranging from personal to professional use. To view the pricing, Click Here

Office 365, recently rebranded to Microsoft 365, is a subscription service for productivity tools that first launched in 2011. Microsoft offers 4 different pricing plans to choose from for business use and 3 for personal use, giving users a lot of options. With Office, you can access all their apps online, or download offline versions depending on the pricing plan. To view the pricing, Click Here

Google Workspace (G Suite) and Microsoft 365 are both excellent business suites that can increase the productivity of your team.

Google Workspace and Microsoft office 365 both provide similar features, such as:

  1. Cloud storage and file-sharing options
  2. A collection of business applications
  3. Chat or audio and video calls are examples of collaboration tools
  4. Business email, which you can set up with your own domain.

What does Google Workspace do better?

  1. Google Workspace was designed from the initial concept to be a collaborative tool. Despite the fact that both products (Google Workspace and Microsoft 365) offer both real-time and asynchronous collaboration, Google Docs outperforms Microsoft 365 in this regard. It’s easy to share documents and manage various levels of access for different people.
  2. The Google Workspace interfaces are clean and intuitive, and they load quickly as long as you have a good internet connection (certainly faster than Microsoft Office desktop equivalents) and an excellent option for companies that use a variety of devices and operating systems

What does Microsoft 365 do better?

  1. Most Microsoft 365 plans offer desktop versions of Microsoft Office apps, making it a better option for any company that expects to effortlessly share, receive, and edit MS Office files. It is appropriate for companies whose primary concern is the security of their documents, such as legal documents because the papers can be saved locally in Microsoft Word (on your computer hard drive, not on the web)
  2. In general, the 365 apps have more features. For example, Microsoft Word has over 50 templates and allows for extensive document formatting. As opposed to Google Docs, which only allows for simple word processing, MS Excel is the superior product for statistical analysis and visualization.

In conclusion, choosing the right collaborative platform will significantly improve your team’s performance. When making your decision, it is critical to consider pricing. It’s vital these days to be able to work remotely, share files, and communicate via chat and video conferencing apps. In my opinion, Google Workspace (G Suite) is better for smaller businesses that mainly operate online due to its real-time file editing capabilities and ease of use. Microsoft 365, on the other hand, would benefit large companies due to its feature-rich characteristics.

